Guarana:This gel contains 89mg of natural caffeine delivered via Guarana Extract. Caffeine is a psychological stimulant, so aids mental concentration. The TORQ Fuelling System will allow you to follow an effective fuelling strategy, which will ensure that your muscles and brain will always have the energy they need to deliver the best performances. Caffeine doesn’t provide any extra energy as such, but it does deliver the perception of energy by up-regulating the central nervous system – this is why a coffee can mentally perk you up when you’re feeling a bit sleepy or can’t concentrate. Taking this product occasionally instead of a non-caffeinated fuelling unit can be used as a tool to boost flagging concentration and motivation.
Caffeine is essentially a central nervous system lubricant, so as well as boosting concentration and motivation it can increase muscular power and efficiency as well as mobilising fat as a fuel source, helping to spare glycogen (your carbohydrate reserves). For these reasons, there is a strong argument that caffeine should be consumed routinely during exercise/competition to boost physiological as well as psychological performance.
Finally, many of us consume caffeine containing beverages regularly throughout the average day and missing a cup of team or coffee at a certain point during the day is often noticeable. In reality, if you’re a habitual caffeine consumer, you will have a mild addiction and will actually need it to function normally. There is therefore a strong argument for consuming caffeine whilst exercising simply to maintain homeostasis – why deprive your body of something it needs to feel ‘normal’ just because you’re exercising. This is especially significant on longer training sessions or events where you can’t guarantee access to a cuppa!
Please note that this product containsHIGH LEVELS OF CAFFEINEand should be used alongside our regular non-caffeinated energy gels to achieve optimal performances.
Multiple-Transportable Carbohydrates:TORQ Gel utilises a 2:1 blend of glucose-derivatives and fructose founded on a now substantial body of peer-reviewed published research. The carbohydrate sources for TORQ Gel come from an extremely low osmolality maize-derived maltodextrin (a long chain glucose derivative) and fructose. This dual-delivery carbohydrate formulation has been proven beyond doubt to supply energy faster than any other combination of carbohydrates or single carbohydrate source formulations. Take a look at the two very short animations below, which demonstrate how 2:1 Glucose-Derivatives:Fructose deliver over 40% more carbohydrate to the blood per hour than single glucose sources (the next best option).